Introduction to Jackie the Soon-to-be-Grad

Here's a little about me! I'm a senior here at the University of Oklahoma majoring in mechanical engineering. The coolest about my major is that I get to learn more about the structural mechanics in everyday components that people tend to take for granted. The best class I took last semester was Design Thermal-Fluid Systems because it emphasized engineering theory with real-world applications and results. Over break, I went back home to a little undiscovered nook tucked away in southeastern Oklahoma. See the below photo taken in my very own backyard to envision the beauty of the natural landscape that Oklahoma has to offer.
Jackie's Backyard - Personal Image

In terms of career goals, I plan to work as an engineer in the automotive field in the near future. I have already accepted a full-time position at Michelin North America and have also already completed two internship rotations with them. My favorite part about working with them is that there is always something new to learn everyday and the people form a diverse culture with many unique backgrounds culminating together. 
Michelin North America Ardmore, OK Facility - Courtesy of Ardmore Chamber of Commerce

As for pets, I certainly have a fair amount. My family has a total of eight dogs that are strays that just wandered into our property. The breeds vary widely from a beagle to a pit bull. They are very protective of the property and often wander into the nearby woods to hunt and explore. 
Suzy, Snowball, Coco, Bobby - Personal Image

My hobbies include hanging out with friends, exploring new places, watching movies, and working on vehicles by myself or with friends. One of my favorite places that I have been is downtown Greenville, SC when I explored the various attractions with other Michelin interns while on a visit to national headquarters. I have also spent countless hours and far too much money adding various components and gadgets to my own personal vehicle. So that about does it for a short and brief introduction into my life! 


  1. Hi Jackie!

    The scenery in your backyard is absolutely beautiful. My house is on the flattest plot of land you can get in Oklahoma. There was no trees when we originally lived there.

    I'm also a senior. I wish I had my foot out the door, but I unfortunately have to power through a fifth-year senior semester before I can get away from this place. It's cool that you already have a plan and a job to go to!

    I wish you the best of the luck on your future endeavors, and say hi to the dogs for me!

  2. Hi Jackie!

    I am a senior as well, but I am a psychology major. I actually started off as a Chemical Engineering major... but Sophomore year curriculum was just... too much. Also, in my haste to find internships, I realized that my dream job and career aspirations didn't exactly align with this field. I am a very curious person and love to know the "why" behind things.. but more in terms of people and behavior and not systems. I am glad this is something you enjoy however. I can definitely see the interest behind finding the complexity behind things we take for granted.

    Oklahoma can be absolutely breath taking one moment and then the worst weather you experienced the next.. gotta love it! Having a lot of land is a nice perk and allows for lots of animals. My grandparents have a farm in a small town in southeastern Oklahoma as well, we used to have all kinds of animals, now it is just a few cows and goats.

    Good luck this semester!

  3. Hi Jackie!

    Wow, congrats on being almost done! I am only a junior, so I have another year left to go after this semester. Your major sounds very difficult, but I am glad you obviously succeeded so well in it! Congratulations on the job as well. My dad is an engineer, but he works in the aerospace field. Your home looks very picturesque, and all the dogs sound so fun!

  4. Hi Jackie!

    Where are you from in SE OK? That is my favorite part of the state (I have a lot of family down there), and I feel like its beauty is highly underrated. It is so cool that you are finishing up your engineering degree and already have a job! I too have a job lined up (but in accounting) and it is such a great feeling! I've never been able to get into working on cars, but I think the people who can do all the maintenance and even improve their vehicles are really cool!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello Jackie,
    Another fellow senior here! We are roughly 100 days to go! I am also from Oklahoma, I grew up here my whole life. I generally venture to Southeast Oklahoma when I am on my way to Texas. I also like to go there sometimes when I am chasing storms along the red river. I find your major very intimidating. I love science and how things are put together but I am unfortunately dyslexic so numbers are not my friend. I have a few job offers lined up-- Congratulations on yours!

    Aspen Endriss,
    It's not cooperating with me :)

  7. Hey Jackie! It cool that you already have a job planned out ahead of you and know what you want to do! I am so jealous that you live in southeastern Oklahoma! We make many trips down that way for hunting trips and weekend get aways! I hope I get to read more of your post! Good luck on your studies!

  8. Hi Jackie! Congrats on your job, that is amazing that you already have a job lined up. I'm a senior too and I suppose it's about that time I start applying for some jobs! I love that your pets are strays that decided to stick around and protect your property. Your major sounds super interesting and a little scary, I don't know much about any kind of engineering but I'm glad we have people like you to do the hard work! Good luck this semester and at your new job!

  9. Hey Jackie!

    It's awesome that you enjoy what you learn in your classes! I feel the very same way as a chemical engineer. Seeing how things work and make an understanding so that we can create crazy new things is so exciting. I hope I'm as lucky as you to find a job at a company you're set on.

    It's nice of you to take care of those cute dogs! We kept a stray chihuahua and she's the sweetest pup ever. But my mom won't budge for another dog.

    And nice backyard view! Looks like a great spot to hammock.

  10. Your photographs are so lovely, Jackie! (That backyard photo is like your fav place photo; you really know how to capture the light just right!) And of course your dogs are such sweeties. What a variety!
    And CONGRATULATIONS on already knowing how you want to begin your career path with Michelin. One of my professors in grad school had a vintage "Michelin Man" poster on her wall, and since she was a very nice professor, I've always had a very positive opinion of Michelin ha ha, with the Michelin Man always smiling at me there. Maybe you can write a story that features that iconic Michelin Man engaging in some kind of heroic adventure! :-)

  11. Hi Jackie! Eight dogs? That is super impressive. Also, Snowball is the cutest thing in the world!!! What kind of "components and gadgets" have you added to your vehicle? And what kind of vehicle is it? I know very little about cars. What will you be doing at Michelin? That sounds like it will be an interesting job. And speaking of, congratulations on getting a job right out of college! That seems to be a rare event these days. At least that's what the news keeps telling me. Good luck with everything!

  12. Hi Jackie!

    Nice to meet you! Right now I am studying Computer Science and Mathematics, but I actually originally entered college as a mechanical engineer. I was really interested in learning how a lot of the structures and machinery around me actually worked, which is why I chose it coming in. Congratulations on working at a company that you've interned in before. That's awesome because you already know that you love it and you will have a great time.

  13. Hi Jackie!

    Extremely nice to meet you! I'm a political science major but like meeting people with diverse backgrounds in education this late in our studies since we usually get separated after the basic gen-ed courses. Like your family I also like animals, mine owns livestock in the form of chickens and goats. Chickens for eggs and the goats as pets. The goats were all recently trained to walk on leashes so that'll be a fun adventure next time I'm home.

  14. Hola Jackie! Congratulations on your impending graduation and accepting a full time position! I think it's great that you have the opportunity to work in something that you feel passionate about. I love that your family has so many dogs, I only have one but I would love to have like five haha. My boyfriend and his dad also have the same hobby as you, they love fixing up cars, but they usually like old classic cars. Hope you enjoy your last semester of college, and good luck in the class!

  15. Hey Jackie,

    Congrats on your upcoming graduation! I'm a senior as well and I can definitely understand the excitement and anticipation coming with graduation. Engineering has always been a field of study that I've been very interested in. I work with 3D printers and do a lot of CAD and functional part design. Sometimes, people think I'm in the wrong major (I'm a Psychology major). I wish you luck with your upcoming employment! I hope it's everything you're looking for!

  16. Hi Jackie!

    I loved reading your introduction. I think it's so awesome that you already have a job lined up, I can only imagine what a relief that must be that you don't have to worry about that so you can just focus on your last semester.

    I also agree that Oklahoma is extremely beautiful. I'm from Muskogee and I love exploring our state. I think it is far underrated and overlooked. And I love the photo of your dogs! They all look so sweet and adorable.

  17. Hi Jackie! All of the work the you’re doing with your major sounds so interesting! You sound very passionate about engineering. I’m also a senior, but majoring in criminology, so we’re doing very different things! Your backyard is absolutely gorgeous. Oklahoma can be so beautiful sometimes. Also, your dogs are adorable! Pit bulls are my favorite breed. They’re so sweet. I hope that the rest of your semester goes well!

  18. Hi Jackie,

    That first picture that you posted of your backyard is absolutely beautiful. I am so jealous that you have that view just by stepping outside, I would love that. I want to eventually live out in the country be able to just sit outside and enjoy the view from my house. Over Christmas break I went to visit my aunt in Virginia, and she lives out in the country. Every morning I would wake up and just sit outside and take in that beautiful view to start my day off. I miss it and hope to go back very soon.

  19. Hello Jackie

    I would like to start off by saying that you did a wonderful job with this introduction. I love the picture of your backyard it is so pretty. I could not wrap myself living in the country. You also have the cutest looking dogs I have ever seen. Best of luck the rest of the semester already halfway done.

  20. Hi Jackie,

    I am currently living with someone who is majoring in mechanical engineering and think that it is awesome that you enjoy working on cars and already have a job lined up! I also really love the picture of your doggos, and am a huge fan of pit bulls. I have never actually had a dog but I consider my fiancée's dog to basically be mine also. Good luck with your plans in the future with Michelin, and cant wait to read more of your stories!


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