Microfiction: The Buzzard and The Rabbit

Story 1 || 2 sentences: Wanting a meal, Buzzard tricked Rabbit into his home. Rabbit tried to escape through the open door, but Buzzard slammed the door on his own head and Rabbit's tail, turning his head bright red and cutting Rabbit's tail off. Story 2 || 50 words: Buzzard was very hungry. He sought make a make a meal of Rabbit. So he tricked Rabbit into his home and locked him in. When Buzzard opened the door to his home, Rabbit leaped out. Buzzard slammed the door, cutting off Rabbit's tail and turning his own head bright red. Turkey Buzzard - Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Author's Note: For this set of microfictions, I chose to create my own renditions of Why Turkey Buzzard Has a Red Head. The original story tells of there was once a very hungry Buzzard who sought to make a meal of Rabbit. So he lured Rabbit into his home and locked him in for three days. Coming back after another three days had passed, Buzzard heard no answer and opened the door. Rab...