Microfiction: The Fearful Moon

Story 1 || 6 words: Fearing the Sun, the Moon pales. Story 2 || 50 words: Long ago, the Moon was made the wife of the Sun. Alas, the Sun was very angry when the Moon ran ahead of him, so the Moon grew small and pale. Now, the Moon grows larger for a while but soon fades away again, remembering the Sun's anger and temperament. Sun and Moon - Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Author's Note: For this set of microfictions, I chose to write my own versions of Why of the Moon is Pale. The original story tells of how Small Turtle made Sun out of Lightning and made Moon his wife. Now, Moon was smaller than Sun, but equally as bright. The animals bore a hold through the earth so that Sun and Moon could begin their journey again in the east. Alas, when Moon ran ahead, Sun grew very angry. Frightened at Sun's anger, Moon grew small and pale. Small Turtle tried to make her large again, so now she grows big, but she grows small and pale again when she remembers Sun's anger...